Metal bending

CNC Machine in metalbending process 


Inoxtek specializes in bending steel and aluminum sheets, with CNC processes and machinery that ensure the highest quality even with other materials such as iron, copper, brass, titanium and pre-galvanized.


Stainless steel sheet bending is carried out with bending machines controlled by a CAD / CAM system, which check every phase of the processing: from prototyping with video simulation to bending with latest generation bending machines, which guarantee millimeter precision.

Industry 4.0

The numerically controlled sheet metal bending process allows us to work small and large pieces, always with a view to optimizing costs and customizing customer requests.

Processing parameters


From 60 a 1000 t


From 2050 to 10.200 mm


From 500 to 650 mm


From 214 to 365 mm

Speed in

Max. Approach speed 220 mm/s

Speed Out

Max. Working speed 20 mm/s

Do you need more information?

Contact our consultants for more information on all our processes

Tel. +39 0125 577844

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